Photo by: Dipesh Mehrotra


Birds have always been an integral part of our rich Indian culture.  From the Garuda (vehicle of lord Vishnu) to Jatayu, being emulated in many yoga asanas and also as symbols of peace, prosperity, rain and even ancestry, birds have been part of many stories and fables. They have cultural importance and are also important for our ecosystem. They play the role of pollinator, seed dispenser, predator, scavenger and many more. Besides, who doesn’t love the sound of chirping birds making our mornings even happier.

Boondein is taking up activities and initiatives in the following avenues for the love and care of our winged companions:

  • Homes, Township and Societies
  • Places of Worship
  • Schools, Colleges & Universities
  • Birds & Wildlife Sanctuaries
  • Factories & Warehouses
  • National Highway Authority of India (NHAI)
Species affected
Bird's House Installed
Natural Nests Installed
Bird Food Distributed (kg)

Photo by: Dipesh Mehrotra


Seeing a bird’s nest in your porch, and through our window panes is always a pleasing experience. After all, one can witness the origin and growth of life within a few weeks if the birds aren’t disturbed. Besides natural nests, one can even see and support this miracle via artificial ones.

These days, artificial birdhouses or bird nests are not just used for nesting but are also used for feeding free birds. Artificial nests provide a platform for common bird species for breeding and serve as a quick shelter too.

We in Boondein are on a mission of building and installing these artificial nests in rural and urban areas. We specialise in building nests for birds such as House Sparrows, Pigeon, Parrot, Myna, some species of Owl, Robin, Indian rollers and many more.

When you put the whole picture together, recycling is the right thing to do for our planet. We aim to use recycled wood and plastic bottles for the nests. The different kinds of nests Boondein specialises in are:

  • Wooden nest box
  • Coconut shell and coconut fiber-based nests
  • Clay and terracotta nests
  • Reused plastic bottles nests

Photo: Samir Sachdeva


Feeding birds is good karma that is mentioned and appreciated even in our Vedas and scriptures.  However, due to lack of awareness, we tend to usually give these tiny creatures home-cooked food, instead of the special and raw grains that are more nutritious, inherently natural and easily digestible. Grains like barley, rice, wheat, corn and millets ensure that birds get the maximum energy and nutrients with ease of digestion.

We at Boondein stock and supply different types of Millet: White, Yellow and Sunflower seeds; all of them suitable for Sparrows, Seed-eating birds, Parrots and Parakeets. Yellow Millet is a great source of Vitamin B which is essential during the breeding season and for rearing young birds. These tiny yellow grains have good protein levels and are naturally high in iron.

Photo: Getty


Imagine a lifetime in Lockdown” – this famous ad-quote by Peta sums up the life of captive birds. In India, it is illegal to cage, sell and buy indigenous birds, however, it is a menace in the smaller towns where this practice is rampant.

Boondien – is embarking on a phase-wise movement to eradicate this practice and set these birds free. Apart from giving heartful joy at the sight of a free bird soaring in the sky, singing and basically doing anything it wants, setting a bird free is a tremendous impetus to “Karma” and has a big impact on our astrological/planetary influences that can help an individual move forward in times of uncertainty.

Connect with us to know more on the benefits, and how you can become a “champion” of chiraia ki azaadi.


Boondein aims to create awareness among the younger generation about the importance of birds for the environment. Various community-level engagements have been introduced and the front-runners among these programs will be declared the “Bird Protector Champions”.

Apart from these, various workshops and training modules are in the pipeline in the following areas,

  • Nature tour for bird watchers and photographers
  • Environmental awareness workshops by industry leaders
  • Nest making and Painting workshops


Together, we are India's voice for birds!

Footer Boondein cow and bird