Photo by: Sharath G


Deforestation is one of the most pressing issues faced by the world.  As per the NASA Earth Observatory, the direct causes of deforestation are agricultural expansion, wood extraction and infrastructural expansion. These expansions further lead to other global issues like climate change, desertification, soil erosion and flooding to name a few. We need to create a better world for our generations!

Boondein believes in focusing on the root cause of evil and hence has started a mission to focus on reforestation and other activities like replanting projects, nature camps, and disease-free forests. Boondein focuses on climate change activities through the medium of plantations on and with:

  1. National/State Highways & Corridors
  2. National Parks & Wildlife Sanctuaries
  3. School and University Activities
  4. Corporate Tie-ups for CSR Activities
Groves Ongoing
Trees Planted
tonnes of CO2 will absorb from Atmosphere
Job Generated

Photo by: DM


Seva (Service) of any kind is the purest form of karma there is.  Serving the forest as an individual might be a difficult task but as a group with utmost dedication, everything becomes possible. 

For Boondein, serving the trees doesn’t only mean planting trees, it also means taking initiatives to ensure the existing trees are thriving with mission-related to,

  1. Protecting Trees from widespread diseases
  2. Preventing Wildfires
  3. Working towards reforestation
  4. Measures for stopping deforestation


It is mandated by the Government of India that every company should contribute 2% of their net profit towards CSR activities. The CSR activities can be focused on any cause that the company believes in, and it can either be in the form of donations or direct activities involving the employees of the organization.

Boondein provides a variety of impactful programs and initiatives to its corporate partners and donators. These projects are backed by huge data and ROI, which helps in detailed reporting of the cause and are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals such as:

  1. Quality Education (SDG 4)
  2. Climate Action (SDG 13)
  3. Life Below Water (SDG 14)
  4. Life on Land (SDG 15)

Photo: Lyndsey Abel


Planting trees/reforestation is an important factor to curb deforestation. Our scriptures also mention the various types of trees that should be planted for improving our life, for example, planting Tulsi and praying to it every day increases wealth and prosperity. Similarly, the Peepal tree is good for business, and we have been worshiping the Banyan tree or the “Kalpavriksha” for centuries to fulfill our wishes and as good karma.

Boondein has partnered with ChaalChakra, which is an astrological consultation platform to increase the good karma of the people by planting more and more trees. The various trees that have been planted under this initiative are:

  1. Neem
  2. Tulsi
  3. Gular
  4. Peepal and Bargad (banyan)

Photo: Shruti Singh


It is often said that sometimes the things, that we tend to lose our connection with them. The world has developed a lot, and everyone is always busy,  running and chasing their dreams.  With this high urbanisation and development, we have lost our connection with forests, wildlife and nature in general. 

Boondein conducts various engagement activities to help people reconnect with nature and forests. These projects are for all age groups and people can volunteer as an individual or as a group to help plant more trees and spread awareness:

  1. Nature camp for families
  2. Environmental awareness workshops by industry leaders
  3. Nature Photography Course
  4. Painting workshops


Together, let's plant more Trees (Paudha)!

Footer Boondein cow and bird